Tag Archives: fire

Shrimp Skewers


To me bbq shrimp is one of the best things to come off a grill. They are quick, easy and a huge crowd pleaser.

They can be made on a gas bbq or charcoal.

First, the shrimp. I went with a shell and tail on shrimp. They were 20-30s.  This means you get 20 to 30 per pound. I went with shell on shrimp as this helps protect the shrimp a bit while cooking and adds a great flavour. I chose to marinade the shrimp in a combination of minced garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper and a store bought seafood seasoning but you could easily use whatever you like.


After letting the shrimp hang out in the marinade for about an hour, I skewered the shrimp in 3s using 2 skewers per set. Using 2 skewers makes the shrimp much easier to flip.


Cook over very high heat and flip once the shrimp shells turn bright red and get a slight char on them. This should take about 2 to 3 minutes. Cook for another 2 to 3 minutes on the second side.

Pull off the grill and serve!

BBQ Shrimp Skewers

  • Servings: 8-10
  • Difficulty: Very Easy
  • Print


  • 30 Shrimp
  • 20 Wooden Skewers
  • 6 cloves of garlic (minced)
  • 2 tbsp. Seafood Seasoning
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 2 tbsp. Olive Oil


  • Marinade Shrimp for 1 hour in the garlic, seafood seasoning, salt, pepper and oil in a ziplock bag in the refrigerator.
  • Skewer shrimp in sets of 3 with 2 skewers per set.
  • Cook over high heat grill or charcoal for 2-3 minutes per side or until bright pink and slightly charred on each side.
  • Serve!


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Onion Bombs

Now I need to be completely honest here. These are not my original idea. If you search online you will see loads of recipes for these things. But when I saw them I knew I had to try them. I did a couple of my own things like the cheese and sauce.

My plan is to make a sausage mixture with my own flavours, jam a piece of cheese in the middle, stick it in the onion, wrap it in foil, toss in a campfire and see what happens.

How could this suck?!

I start by making my sausage mix.


For this you are going to need the following:

– 1 lb. Ground Pork
– 1 Tablespoon each of fennel, thyme, rosemary, chili flakes
– 1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
– 1 Tablespoon Dijon Mustard
– 1 egg
– 1/4 bread crumbs
I also decided at the last minute to add a couple of tablespoons of BBQ sauce.

Mix this all up and set aside.

Peel an onion, cut in half from top to core and separate into shells.

Create a ball of sausage meat and jam a chunk of cheese in the middle, then finish the ball to seal the cheese in.

Put the meat and cheese ball inside of two halves of onion.

Wrap in heavy duty foil. I actually triple wrapped them.

Get a campfire going and place in a nice bed of coals. You want to flip them after 10 minutes and cook for another 10 minutes.

Pull them out and let sit for 5 minutes.
Open the foil and eat!






Hi, my name is Mike Deman and I am a BBQer.

For the last bunch of years I have been a part of a professional BBQ team (Can’t Stop Grillin’) that travels around North America competing in BBQ contests. Not rib fests mind you, the real deal. Contests where you compete in different categories and submit your offerings to judges in a blind tasting. Awards are then dolled out but it’s more about the bragging rights and the fun and challenge of it all.
The team I have been part of has had some fairly decent success. Highlights for me would be winning multiple grand championships in Canada and the USA, winning an invitation the the Jack Daniels International BBQ Championship in Lynchburg,  cooking for the US Ambassador and a few thousand of his closest friends for a 4th of July party at the US Embassy but most of all….showing my kids that meat comes from animals, veggies are grown in the ground and there’s more than just ketchup that belongs on a burger.

I love to eat. That’s my inspiration for sure. My other inspiration is the people around me.  I think with anyone who enjoys cooking the best part is watching others try your stuff. I love sharing what I cook and feeding as many people as I can something that maybe they have never had before.

With having a wife and 2 young boys I’m a pretty busy guy. But never too busy to throw something in the smoker for a friend or bbq something up and spend some time with family.


My Gear

One of the things I am asked about most is what type of bbqs and smokers I use when I make my food.

I have a variety of smokers, a propane and a charcoal grill and am always on the lookout for a new toy.

Here is a rundown on the current Smoker arsenal….

The always versatile Weber Smokey Mountain

And yes, I have both the small and large variety.

These are probably the best bang for your buck entry level charcoal smokers.  You can do anything from whole chickens, ribs, pulled pork, turkeys, desserts, whatever.  And yes, I have done all of those.  These bad boys will force you to learn the art of controlling air flow, charcoal and water pans.  I doubt there is a smokey mountain owner alive that doesnt know the distinct smell of a water pan run dry in one of these.

These guys run on charcoal.  Wood chunks are added to give  smoke flavour to the food.  Charcoal alone also has the ability to impart some flavour especially if you spend the extra couple bucks and get a good kind like Basque.

The Masterbuilt Extra Wide Propane Smoker

There are going to be those out there who will tell you that I am a sell out for using a propane smoker.  That it doesn’t make “true” bbq.  That this is for lazy people.

My response……so what?!  I really honestly could care less.  BBQ snobs be hatin’

This thing rocks.  To be honest, I probably use this 95% of the time I have to cook anything.  Why?  Its easy, its huge and it makes good food.

This thing is my #1 smoker now.  Yes, charcoal does feel more “real” when I use it and produces a slightly different product but notice I used the word different and not better.

Of course this is purely my opinion.

This can do anything and everything you can possibly think of including acting as a spare oven for Christmas or Thanksgiving by not adding wood, or moonlighting as a warming cabinet once everything is cooked.

This thing works on a standard propane tank and wood chunks or chips.  I prefer the wood chunks as it gives a longer and easier to control smoke than wood chips.  Wood chunks can be harder to find, especially in London Ontario but they are worth the effort.  I know Lowes carries hickory wood chunks.

I have been asked very recently what smoker I would recommend to backyard enthusiasts and I would go with the Masterbuilt every time.  I know of 2 people who have purchased these on my recommendations and both of them love it.  In fact a 3rd has purchased as well but I am still waiting on a verdict and a 4th person is in the near future.

Any questions, let me know!